The Lean Silver Global Standard Test (GST) marks a comprehensive evaluation for Lean practitioners seeking a deeper understanding of Lean principles, building upon the foundational concepts illustrated in the Lean Silver body of knowledge. This rigorous examination is meticulously designed to assess proficiency in Lean management, emphasizing the "big picture" perspective, analytical skills, and the strategic deployment of Lean strategies. Candidates undergo comprehensive testing of their knowledge in Lean tools and concepts, including Value Stream Mapping, Takt Time, 5S, TPM, Standard Work, and more. Successfully passing the Lean Silver GST not only validates one's adeptness with Lean methodologies but also signifies a heightened ability to apply Lean knowledge for substantial improvements in products and processes crucial to organizational success.
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4 multiple choice questions, 6 minutes. Only one answer allowed.
You are required to abide by the L6S GST Honor Code
All questions are based on the L6S Operations Competency Framework
Non-programmable calculator. A reliable internet connection.